I want to start this blog by once again thanking each of you who supported me during my 4 years of serving with Mercy Ships in Africa. I can't believe I have been stateside now for 8 months. It seems like yesterday I left the ship to return to Texas. The transition back to American life has been amazing, hard, wonderful, trying, lonely and full of new opportunities for growth.
As you may remember Mercy Ships sent me to a debrief one month after I returned from Africa with Barnubs Zentrum. I did not realize before I went that after one month off the mission field I was not even close to ready to process everything I had seen and experienced. God still used that time for other things but now I am am ready to connect with other missionaries and learn how to use what I experienced and learned in Africa to furthering God's kingdom right where I am.
Girl Catch Fire Retreats September 16-23 offers me the opportunity to do just that.
Intermissionary Colorado is a debriefing and reentry retreat for global workers returning to their passport nations, or taking a break from global service.
At Intermissionary, the goal is threefold:
-renew your connection to God
-calm your mind and rest your spirit
-create a plan for the next phase of your life.
Reentry has been difficult and I believe God wants to use this retreat to speak to me as well as bring direction on what the way forward looks like. Although I am working full time, after selling everything to move to Africa it has taken time and money to set up a home again.
Would you consider partnering with me to go to this retreat?
1. Pray for God's direction and provision
2. Give towards my flight from Knoxville to Denver (approx $350)
3. Give towards my retreat fee ($900 covering food, lodging and training materials)
To give to the retreat fee:
Visit: http://girlcatchfire.com/sponsor-a-missionary/
All donations coming in now are going to me with the retreat being 2 weeks away. There is no need to designate who it is for.
To help with my flight:
My PayPal email is sheameliene@yahoo.com
Cash or check can be sent to
Shea Payne
2030 Willow Loop Way Apt 203
Knoxville, TN 37922
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks again for supporting me so faithfully!
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